Saturday, November 16, 2013

Big Butts and a Bad, Bad State

I have four words to sum up our performance last week:

Good.  Thing.  It.  Rained.

I'm pretty surprised by the attitude shift just from the win last week.  I mean, I hope it's good for the locker room and gives the team some confidence... but, between us, you realize that this wasn't a sign of things to come for the remainder of the season, right? 

I think I went to the races at Charles Town once when I was growing up.  It rained.  I remember someone telling me that you don't pick the favorite when it rains.  Rain changes everything.  Rain gives that random horse a chance to win.  Someone told me to watch the horses with the big butts, aka, the mudders.

Last week we were the mudders.  It's as simple as that.  I love that it happened to be against Miami and that they happened to be ranked very high, and that we happened to turn into a season spoiler for them like they've done to us so many times.  That stuff is all really great and entertaining.  But there's no butts about it - we were the mudders.

The thugs turned the ball over a lot: once on a punt return and once on a kick-off return.  We took advantage of both and put up points each time.  In fact, we scored 21 unanswered points after that first TD they scored on the 81-yard run.  That TD would have never even happened if they had called the block in the back on Bonner during the play.  

It was a game of follies.  Byrn fumbling inside the 5 and then Knowles recovering the ball for a TD.  Stanford making three guys miss him.  The thug punter putting his knee down on the snap and therefore turning the ball over to us.  Mudders.  Mudders.  Mudders.

Oh, and a note to the Worldwide Loser in Sports: 

Dear Losers, 
Every week all you really need to do is check out the game notes that each team publishes in order to learn how to properly pronunciate names.  An-tawn is not Exum's name.  It's An-tone.  And Cody Jurnel is also not correct.  That one is pretty much pronounced how it looks - Jour-nell.  I know you guys have really tough lives, but if you could manage to do that one little thing, it'd be great.

The B.S.C.

And now on to that scary creature that strikes fear into every mascot's heart: the turtle.  As most of the season has gone with my blogs, I just don't feel like stat break-downs are appropriate.  Good Giraffe may show up... Bad Giraffe may show up.  I think after last week it's become very apparent that he's schizophrenic.  So, in lieu of the stats, it's always best to hit them where it hurts the most...

This is ridiculous:

The obsession with the flag in this state has gotten out of control.  We are playing the ugliest football unis today.  THE UGLIEST.  If I were Under Armor, I don't think I'd try to be the UGLIEST every week.  But, they are.  

The problem is... they think it's cool.  It's just embarrassing.  I know we manage to have ugly unis a couple times a season.  That's what happens when Beamer allows a bunch of 18-year-old boys to pick.  But we pale in comparison to this.  Heck, the thugs last week looked like us!  Those could have been our unis.  Why in the world would you leave out a signature color like green when playing a team that shares orange?

I hate the MD flag.  I sincerely do.  I hate MD drivers, most MD grads, MD government, MD tax records, MD Casino ads... you name it, I hate it.  I do like Frederick.  It's not really MD, though.  And delicious Chesapeake Bay crabs.  Mmm... they are good.  Everything else about the state stinks.

Since MD is so fashion-forward, I wanted to just bring to mind things that I'm reminded of this week:

I could go on and on, but I'll stop here.  What is the common theme?  Ridiculousness.  Absolute ridiculousness.

The uglies are 5-4 on the season, and really started off strong with 4 wins.  They are coming off 3 straight losses today, though, as they enter the Land of the Sandman.  They really, really want to beat us.  And there's only a 10% chance of rain during game time in Blacksburg.  That basically means that anything can happen. 

Good Giraffe.

Bad Giraffe.

And no, that's not my company... but I will be checking out the website soon.

Just sit back and enjoy the last home game of the season, and appreciate the fact that our unis are never EVER as bad as theirs.  

Cross your fingers and pray for Good Giraffe.  Be thankful we only have a couple more games with THE Giraffe, and then off to the 1st Round of the NFL Draft he goes.

Love crab chips and crab fries, 
The B.S.C.

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